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Archive for April, 2010

I met my wife for lunch in Marina del Rey about a week ago at Aunt Kizzy’s Back Porch (good, but it was better last time I was there in the 90’s — and bigger). Afterward, she wanted to go to have some coffee at $tarbucks, so she drove over there in her car and […]

Things look different today in the cold, hard light of April 2nd. I guess I’ll keep riding after all. I figure I’ve used up all my bad luck now, so I’m golden.

Hanging It Up

This has been a rough year for me; actually, going back through the end of last year. Going down in September was a real wake-up call to the risks inherent in riding, the sacrifices I was imposing on my family, the true cost of what I’ve spent so much of my time doing. I’ve spent […]