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Archive for October, 2008

Halloween Evel

I saw the coolest Halloween costume ever on the freeway this afternoon. Unfortunately, I didn’t have my camera with me so I didn’t get a picture. I was tooling down the 101, heading north through the Cahuenga Pass near Hollywood Bowl, when I saw a motorcycle coming up on me in the left hand lane. […]

Death … Or La Verne?

Today is my birthday but I’m not much in the birthday mood, so I decided to celebrate by going for a solo ride. I’ve been wanting to ride through Death Valley for awhile now, but I never can seem to find the right time to do it. Today looked like the day — I’m off […]


I went for a ride this afternoon along the coast with one of my club brothers and it turned into a LEO kind of day. Everywhere we turned we ran across cops, until finally we couldn’t turn anymore. Our first encounter took place as we were riding through Camarillo on the way to Pacific Coast […]

Winter Wear

I think it might be time to break out my “winter” helmet. I was up in the mountains over the weekend and it was shirt-sleeve weather on the way up, but by the time I came home around midnight it had gotten pretty damn cold. (Well, cold by SoCal standards: 45 degrees or so). That […]

The Dream That Wouldn’t End

I was asked not-so-recently by a publicist to review a book.  I have no idea why she asked me, I have to assume it was because this is a blog about motorcycling and the book is about a guy riding a motorcycle, so…  Well, here’s my review, such as it is.  I think the publicist […]

Pink Me

Yesterday, I made my last and final payment on my Harley. She’s mine now, free and clear. I’ll be watching my mailbox for the pink slip…

My Kid’s In My Head

Me and the family were talking over dinner about a party my M/C is throwing next weekend and my wife asked if she was getting in free. I said she could if she worked the event and that I’d probably have her work the gate, collecting the entry fee from attendants. But then I remembered […]

Still In The Wind

Aaaaaaaaaaand…. I’m back. Actually, I’m still here — I never left, I just got lazy. I got busy with the club, busy with the bike, busy with the wife (pun intended), busy with work… You’ve seen it before: Blogger blogs, blogger falls off the face of the earth, blogger comes back and resumes posting fitfully […]