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November 1, 2004 - Monday


As if I needed to tell you, tomorrow (today, by the time some of you east-coasters read this) is Election Day. It’s time for you to step up and do your duty as an American citizen, to take whatever time is necessary out of your day to go vote.

Obviously, I think it’s critical that you vote for Kerry. If you’re thinking about voting Nader, don’t make me come over there and stomp your guts out — you’re part of the reason we’re in the mess we’re in now. Wake up, smell the stench around you, and get with the fucking program. Nader is a spoiler, plain and simple, and the only “message” you can possibly send in voting for him is not that 3rd parties can draw significant support, but instead that you’d rather have another four years of Bush than 30 seconds of voting smart over heart. Every vote counts. Your vote counts. Don’t waste it.

And if you’re planning to vote for Bush, I really seriously strongly no-kidding- around insist that you follow this link and take the Patriot Pledge first. As I said in an earlier entry, if you’re going to talk the talk then you’d damn well better walk the walk. The things on this pledge are what you’ll be voting for, so you have a moral responsibility to agree to them. If you don’t, well… See my above comments on Kerry. Wake up and smell the sewage.

We have an opportunity tomorrow to take our country back from the hacks and thieves who stole it in 2000. They will stop at nothing, they will lie, cheat and steal to hang onto it, so it’s critical that every single one of you do your duty and vote. Bush has to go. We must return to this nation its stolen honor.

We can take it back. Let’s do it.

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3 responses to “Vote”

  1. David says:

    Bluto: “Over? Did you say, ‘over?’ Nothing is over until WE decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!”

    Boone: “Germans?”

    Otter: “Forget it. He’s rolling.”

    Bluto: And it ain’t over now. ‘Cause when the goin’ gets tough… [thinks hard]… the tough get goin’! Who’s with me?

    Chuck: “We can take it back. Let’s do iiiiiiiiiiiit!” [runs out of room]

    [I couldn’t resist… it just had that feel! :-)]

  2. Jim says:

    This is our finest hour!

    [fingers crossed]

  3. Chuck says:

    Yeah, okay, so maybe that was a little overwrought. So sue me.

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