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October 11, 2004 - Monday


I’m on a meme roll lately, it seems. 200 things, 3 things, everythings… I keep seeing this kind of entry fodder in other blogs and using it here. So why not continue? For today we have a photo meme:

Leave me comments listing three things you want me to take a picture of and I’ll shoot and post them here. I reserve the right to completely ignore perv requests (unless they’re my kind of perv), but then you’ve already seen me in one of Beth’s bras — how much worse could it get?

Okay, here we go with request #1:

Zoe with green hair
“1. Zoe with green hair.”

Zoe defies gravity
“2. Zoe on a bungee ride at a church fair last weekend.”

Zoe launched to the moon
“3. Zoe going really high on a bungee ride at a church fair last weekend.”

All right, now we’re getting somewhere. Request #2:

I think I'll check-raise this punk
“I want a picture of what your face looks like when you’re about to check-raise.”

And another request is in, this from my close personal friend David:

“How about a pick of my journal up on your computer screen (heck, you can show your whole work area)?”

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10 responses to “Photomememe”

  1. Chuck says:

    Man, you people suck at this. Here, let me show you how to do it.

    Hey Chuck, show me pictures of…

    1. Zoe with green hair.
    2. Zoe on a bungee ride at a church fair last weekend
    3. Zoe going really high on a bungee ride at a church fair last weekend

  2. beth says:

    I believe the fundamental problem here is that you are asking your faithful readers to actually do something.

    This is passive entertainment and it’s all about what you can do for us.

    So fine suggestions up there. We’d simply love to see those photos.

  3. Chuck says:

    That noise you just heard was the gun you jumped. Pix were being posted as you typed.

  4. Jim says:

    OK … I want a picture of what your face looks like when you’re about to check-raise.

    (Oh, you asked for three things? I’m too damn lazy. You get only one.)

  5. David says:

    How about a pick of my journal up on your computer screen (heck, you can show your whole work area)? That would scratch two itches with one picture!

  6. Jim says:

    Hahahaha! That’s exactly what I was picturing Chuck!

  7. Chuck says:

    I’m usually not quite that drippy, but it was really hot in the poker room that day.

  8. David says:

    Thanks Chuck… you and I seem to share similar um, tidiness issues. :-)

    By the way, cool mouse/trackball! Who makes it?

  9. T says:

    …”but then you’ve already seen me in one of Beth’s bras — how much worse could it get?”…

    Are we still keeping quiet about that???

  10. Carol says:

    David, I think the trackball has a certain Logitech je ne sais quois, but I could be wrong about that. (I love my Logitech trakball).

    Ya know, Chuck, I’ve been wracking (racking?) my brains to think of a picture for you to take, but I’m coming up with nada.

    You’re right. I suck at this. Excuse me while I sob uncontrollably…

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