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October 1, 2003 - Wednesday

 Dean For America

At the tender age of 40 I finally made my first political contribution, to Howard Dean’s campaign. Following is the “thank you” email I got today. I know it’s a mass-mailing that went out to thousands of other people too, but I still got a warm fuzzy from it. I stepped up and am helping to make a difference, no matter how small. I want my country back, and I’m doing more than just talking about it.

Dear Chuck,

You have done something incredible, and I cannot thank you enough.

Your contribution to our campaign played a critical role in helping us
raise nearly $14.8 million in the third quarter.

You broke the fundraising record for the most raised by a Democratic
candidate in a single quarter – a record set by President Clinton in
1995. That achievement is yours – and I want to thank you for setting that
new record.

But more important than that total amount we raised is the way that we
achieved it. You have proven that more than 180,000 individual
contributions can overwhelm the special interests and change the way
politics works in our country.

Your support for our campaign means so much to me, and I appreciate your
deep commitment to our country, our future, and our shared ideals. Your
contributions – in time, dollars, and energy – have gotten us to where we
are today, and your action has created momentum for our campaign that
will define the months ahead.

We put this campaign in your hands – and you delivered. This is your
campaign – it is your voice we seek to restore, your power we seek to
demonstrate, your hopes and dreams that we pursue. More hard work lies
ahead, but together, we will win the White House in 2004.

Thank you again for everything that you have done and continue to do
to keep our campaign strong.

Yours sincerely,
Howard Dean

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2 responses to “Dean For America”

  1. beth says:

    I saw Howard Dean on Leno last night and was powerfully impressed by him. Go you hun. Excellent choice.

    Oh. My. God. We actually agree on something.

  2. Gavin says:

    What, you’re not voting for Arnold? He wants to bring California back (which I believe, since he’s had it so tough making all that cash starring in crappy movies the last 25 years).

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