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August 20, 2003 - Wednesday

 Hi! Hi!

Hi, Room 935’ers! Run along now, go scurry back into your not-so-secret little molehole.

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8 responses to “Hi! Hi!”

  1. Kerry says:

    Thanks, I will – there’s definitely nothing I want to see here! I can’t remember a more boring journal site that I’ve visited. You win that title, hands down! Also you’re in the running for “Asshole of the Year” award, but you have some stiff competition on that one.

    Delete entries and comments all you want, but people know what you said about Rob and his daughter, and people think you suck.

    Scurrying now! Have a nice life, fuckwit!

  2. Chuck says:

    Um, let me just point out that I haven’t deleted anything, and haven’t touched anyone’s comments. As for the entries I *edited*, do you really think Rob would want me to keep them as they were? I don’t. I know people know what I said — *I* know what I said. I don’t deny saying it. But again: do you really think Rob would want me to leave those entries intact?

    It’s true, I know I’m painfully boring, but I have to wonder: if I *am* so boring and there’s “definitely” nothing you want to see here, why are you here *again*?

    Oh well, as long as you’re here do enjoy yourself as you trawl for fodder. As I said in my first entry to you slobbering minions, I’m sure you’ll find much to mock.

    I look forward to your continued stalking and frantically indignant comments. Please do continue.

  3. Rob says:

    Whatever. It’s your site, you make the call what you want out there representing you to the world. If I were you and I stepped back and looked at what you wrote and implied, I would have given serious thought to deleting it, too.

    For me personally, it doesn’t matter if it’s out there or not. You kicked a hurting parent when that parent was down. You dragged an innocent little girl into your petty little grudge match (and until this, I barely had a clue who you were, so this grudge match was definitely one-sided). You implied that her condition was a punishment from God (and you know that’s true; your “God is an iron” comment stands and will always stand, clear as day, no matter how hard you backpedal and try to weasel your way out of it). You attack my character to justify your words, and when I dare to even hint at a response in my own writing, you go on the attack again. (“Message to Rob. Fuck. You.”)

    And through all this, you continue to wrap yourself in a shroud of indignation and victimhood. I must be sending my minions over to attack and stalk you! You can feel free to attack me and my child, BY NAME, but if I share your words with my friends, with the people who have been helping me get through a tough time and get my shit together so that I can help my daughter, then suddenly I am sending my army over to attack you. I never named you in my entries and I never linked you, because it was your shitty words that mattered to me, it was what you said that I needed to write about, not you the person. If I denied you the hits that you might have craved, I also denied you a lot of negative attention that you clearly would not have been able to handle, if you consider the dozen or so hits that my friends have given you to be some sort of onslaught.

    You started shit with me, and it wasn’t just over me getting a flat tire. Your words made it clear that “God is an iron”, and the irony of my making fun of retarded children (and I still await some examples; my entries remain “unedited”) was being visited on my house. I have no idea why you chose to do this; if your friend Steve was ever upset by anything I ever wrote, he remained silent about it. He never struck me in his writing as being someone who needed someone else to fight his battles for him.

    Do I seem unusually upset by this? Is it weird that I have taken to heart the nasty words of a person who has no connection to me and who holds no sway over any person or element of my life? It is, obviously. If I were my normal self, I would have returned your nasty with my own and walked away.

    Perhaps it is the fact that your words came at a time that my family and I were suddenly coping with the new reality of our daughter, the most important thing in the world to me, the person I would walk through fire for, would do ANYTHING for. That dear sweet child has nothing but smiles and love and laughter for this shitty rough world, a world that has returned her love with a broken brain that may never allow her words, may give her uncontrollable seizures and an endless road full of hurdles for the rest of her life. A world also full of people like you.

    Go to your own child, Chuck. Look at your own child and then imagine her voice silenced forever, and her body to betray her and her future altered forever. Imagine that happening to YOU, and to your family, and then imagine how you would feel towards the random asshole out there who would write about you, BY NAME, and your child, BY NAME, and tell you that all this was somhow YOUR FAULT.

    And then you tell me how you would react to that person, at that moment. Imagine that hurt and that anger, and then know that I feel that hurt and that anger at YOU. You can edit your writing all you want, Chuck. Words are powerful. They burn into the world and don’t go away.

    Maybe you were right to delete what you wrote, and if you truly did it for my benefit and possibly out of your own shame (although I would never be foolish enough to expect you to admit that), then good for you. But you were wrong to write them in the first place, and more wrong to intentionally send that kind of hatred and negativity into the world of my family.

    You know what? I’m pissed, and writing this is not helping. I don’t care what you do, Chuck. Write whatever you want, delete or don’t delete, whatever floats your boat. It’s not going to affect the kind of father I am or the kind of person I can help my little girl become. Every time you write something to tear down a part of me or my child, you should look at the pieces on the ground afterwards. They aren’t mine.

  4. Churk says:

    …and that’s why I “deleted” the offending entries.

  5. Amy says:

    Yes, Rob is a little emotional right now (and rightly so), but man. Your words stung. A simple, “I’m sorry if I hurt you” would have gone such a long way, Chuck.

  6. Erin says:

    That’s what I have a difficult time understanding — why couldn’t you have just apologized to Rob for being so insensitive and dropped it? Why is it so important to you to get into a pissing match and antagonize someone you don’t know? And you have to know that what you wrote was insensitive!

    You were the one who wrote “Hi, Room 935’ers!” Hell, if Rob hadn’t pointed you out to all of us, none of us would have known who you were.

    And, I imagine, that’s what kills you most of all. If you don’t do things like PICK ON A KID and her FAMILY, no one would know you exist at all.

    Great job!

  7. Karen says:

    Amy and Erin and Rob and all of you other “minions” as you so love to call yourselves, maybe you ought to think about treating people the way you’d like to be treated. The 935 threads have been winding their way through the internet, getting posted on message boards and web pages. Considering the huge amount of nasty you fling at others, is it any surpise when Rob reaps what he sows?

  8. Amy says:

    Karen: so? Do you think anyone at 935 cares? Don’t flatter yourself.

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