Latest news for 640bdb5e97b60472ef4e4d14b4f79a25.js?ver=1715022260

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We've regained control of the podcast once again from the forces of 640bdb5e97b60472ef4e4d14b4f79a25.js?ver=1715022260 TASTY. What was that all about anyway? Tonight's topics include giving thanks that [640bdb5e97b60472ef4e4d14b4f79a25.js?ver=1715022260] the in-laws are headed back home to Florida, the gluttony scorecard, the perfect pecan pie bar dessert item, new podcasting gear 640bdb5e97b60472ef4e4d14b4f79a25.js?ver=1715022260, the not-dead-yet dying cat, the end of BJ Watch 2005 at Day 29, Thanksgiving Soapline greetings from NakedJen, time is running out on the Jesus action figure contest, etc. 640bdb5e97b60472ef4e4d14b4f79a25.js?ver=1715022260 once again, we're all over the map and you're invited to listen. So check it out, it's the .

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