Latest news for 640bdb5e97b60472ef4e4d14b4f79a25.js?ver=1714323690

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We're back to podcasting from bed again. 640bdb5e97b60472ef4e4d14b4f79a25.js?ver=1714323690 is it the outstanding acoustics or just the fact that we can do it lying down? topics tonight include: el guapo's review of no soap radio kenney chesney and renee zellweger a shout-out to [640bdb5e97b60472ef4e4d14b4f79a25.js?ver=1714323690] chuck for outstanding pc service an empty promise of sex from beth chuck's family's computer ineptitude the hank williams barometer of country the new no soap radio call-in number: (206) 339-soap chuck farting big country or rush? beth has no idea brylcreme and "gel de hair" we need a sign-off check it 640bdb5e97b60472ef4e4d14b4f79a25.js?ver=1714323690 out: . 640bdb5e97b60472ef4e4d14b4f79a25.js?ver=1714323690

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