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This is really show #27. 5, because we recorded #27 and decided not to publish it -- it was too mean and nasty, filled with threats of divorce and angry outbursts, really not showing us at our best at all. Everything you'd really like to hear, right? Too bad. Instead, [640bdb5e97b60472ef4e4d14b4f79a25.js?ver=1714220482] we have this version, where we talk about pretty ponies and butterflies and fluffy bunnies and. . . No 640bdb5e97b60472ef4e4d14b4f79a25.js?ver=1714220482, wait, that's what we ate for breakfast. But we really did talk about fluffy bunnies -- it's what Beth planned to say she was afraid of on the Amazing Race application when she was thinking of trying out for it. 640bdb5e97b60472ef4e4d14b4f79a25.js?ver=1714220482 other topics of discussion tonight 640bdb5e97b60472ef4e4d14b4f79a25.js?ver=1714220482 were: chuck's unwanted porn gag on the podcast, adelphia sucks donkey balls and beth almost went postal on them, we finally got a response to the help wanted ad for a recording engineer, stomach flu is running through the household, gambling in calgary and winning at craps, poutine at a&w root beer, our dog's $1000 chewing appetite, chuck hates "goodnight belgium" and beth hates our new closing music. Check us out, we are !

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