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Happy Birthday to Beth! Today's her birthday and she celebrates by getting 640bdb5e97b60472ef4e4d14b4f79a25.js?ver=1714099313 topless for the show. Woo! Tonight's topics include. . . Beth's birthday -- she's not getting naked like Chuck did Chuck talks her into going topless Blowjob Watch '05 -- Day 19 Zoe's school's "Multicultural Thanksgiving Potluck" Chuck wants White Boy Day from Beth calls Chuck a racist pig Chuck likes that podcasting together gives us a chance to talk Possum home invasion stories Chuck recommends the podcast The Great American Smoke-out -- maybe Beth will quit, considering that she nagged Chuck into quitting four years ago? Chuck's new business cards -- he has more than two this [640bdb5e97b60472ef4e4d14b4f79a25.js?ver=1714099313] time The Jesus Contest: leave a voicemail at (206) 339-SOAP to win the Action Figure Jesus or the Jesus Soap-on-a-Rope Corncobs as toilet paper Put your pin in our Frappr Map Doggie Olympics while we're recording the show Our new cat Oliver and his maybe-fatal condition Pet advice: don't get them, they always die . . . expensively Check it out 640bdb5e97b60472ef4e4d14b4f79a25.js?ver=1714099313, it's ! Birthday music was: "Happy Birthday" by , courtesy of the . 640bdb5e97b60472ef4e4d14b4f79a25.js?ver=1714099313 the contest prizes: Soap-on-a-rope Jesus Action Figure Jesus

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