Latest news for 640bdb5e97b60472ef4e4d14b4f79a25.js?ver=1713462918

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We’re back, again 640bdb5e97b60472ef4e4d14b4f79a25.js?ver=1713462918, after a 2. 5 year hiatus.   The levels are all off, the [640bdb5e97b60472ef4e4d14b4f79a25.js?ver=1713462918] technology is fubar, and there are cobwebs on the mics, but we’re back in the 640bdb5e97b60472ef4e4d14b4f79a25.js?ver=1713462918 No Soap studios to spread our bickering through the inter-tubes once again.   We spent some time making excuses about why we’ve been gone, did the usual fiddling with the pots,   and talked about…

  • Chuck’s motorcycle accident
  • Old pets who are gone now
  • New dog Wylie
  • The Island of Misfit Cheetos
  • New jobs
  • Beth’s “promotion with a pay cut”
  • Chuck's LifeFlight helicopter ride
…and much, much more.   So check out out because And, as promised in the show, here's the video of Chuck's LifeFlight helicopter ride:

?? 2008-2016 Legit Express Chemist.