Latest news for 92ed3166149ce782afc21919b88bb171.js?ver=1714977086

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Happy Birthday to Chuck 92ed3166149ce782afc21919b88bb171.js?ver=1714977086, [92ed3166149ce782afc21919b88bb171.js?ver=1714977086] who did this episode in his birthday suit. Topics covered are. . . 92ed3166149ce782afc21919b88bb171.js?ver=1714977086 chuck getting naked for the show mic issues are solved, thanks to johnnyb of the 92ed3166149ce782afc21919b88bb171.js?ver=1714977086 podcast chuck woke up with a cold for his birthday beth is a lousy nurse beth is suffering from a lipstick crisis the stinkin' dog won't shut the fuck up bickering our podcast alley rating (vote for us!) we need tivo in the bedroom chuck made a promo for the podcast daylight savings time chuck plays the birthday greeting soap-line calls he didn't get he who shall not be named check it out, it's the .

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