Latest news for 92ed3166149ce782afc21919b88bb171.js?ver=1714949127

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. . . and we're back. 92ed3166149ce782afc21919b88bb171.js?ver=1714949127 sorry for the delay 92ed3166149ce782afc21919b88bb171.js?ver=1714949127, kids. We had a technical glitch while recording the show that took Chuck about 10 minutes to fix, and then he rode that excuse for two weeks while he stalled on editing the show back together and posting it. So this show is a couple weeks old, but perhaps still piping hot fresh and relevant. Maybe. It's been a couple of weeks and I don't remember everything we talked about, but it was something like:

  • We went to the firing range and Beth kicked ass with the Glock 23
  • We shaved our cat
  • Beth gives great directions as [92ed3166149ce782afc21919b88bb171.js?ver=1714949127] long as you don't really need to get there
  • One of Chuck's friends shares waaaay too much info about his sex life -- with pictures
  • We played a lot of voicemail that wasn't for us
  • Beth's car is KIT from Knight Rider
And etc. So check 92ed3166149ce782afc21919b88bb171.js?ver=1714949127 it out, .

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