April 24, 2005


Back in March I found a lump in my breast. As we all know now, things turned out just fine. And while 80% of the women who find lumps in their breasts do not have cancer, 20% do.

Did you know that a new diagnosis of breast cancer is made every 1.9 minutes?

Breast cancer knows no color boundaries. No social or economic boundaires. No gender boundaires. (Men develop breast cancer too, although they account for less than 1% of the cases.)

Beyond monthly self-examination and annual mammograms, you think there's nothing else you can do. I thought that too.

But at the risk of sounding all melodramatic, the events of this past March changed me. And now it's time I did something more.

So that something more is happening this September, when I participate in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer.

Over a period of two days I will be walking a marathon. I've never undertaken something this big before. Something so outside of myself (OK, unless you consider child birth).

Why am I telling all of you this?

Because I am asking for your support. In order to participate I need to raise a minimum of $1800, though I've set a personal goal, which I hope to exceed, of $2000.

Over on the right I've added a little pink button. If you click on it, it will take you to my personal donation page. Please give what you can. No amount is too small. Your donations are tax deductible and go to an enormously worthy cause; a cause near and dear to my heart.

And OK, because I'm all about a good bribe, if you donate $100 to my walk, I will send you a lovely "boudoir" shot of my breasts, clad in something deliciously lacy. Talk about motivation!!!! (And yes, Chuck knows about this.) Each and every donation will be recognized in my soon to be super fantastic Boobie Hall of Fame (and hopefully I'll even organize some kind of groovy logo, suitable for putting on your page to let the entire www know that you supported my walk, but as Chuck is holding the Photoshop hostage, don't get too excited). Be the first on your block! Give early. Give often.

Thank you.

Update: Reason #4987 why IE sucks: my donation button does not seem to show up.

So, click on this link and you'll go right to my donation page.

Posted by beth at April 24, 2005 12:44 AM

The link doesn't show up under support me please... I'll be back in a couple of days... hopefully it'll work then. That's a vast thing you are undertaking. Good luck with the fundraising (and then with the walk) :)

Posted by: Marie at April 24, 2005 09:10 AM

Hmmm....That's odd. I can see it. Chuck could too. For your donating convenience,click on the line below or copy it into a new window and you're good to go:


Thank you!


Posted by: beth at April 24, 2005 09:50 AM