April 03, 2005

I'm Up Too Late So You Get a Pre-Vacation Freebie

I should so be in bed right now, especially since in an hour we move the clocks up an hour, but instead I'm awake and surfing and saw this over at Treppenwitz, and since I'm all about anything that will fill these pages (and since you're guaranteed to have nothing here for at least at week while we lounge at the beach), I bring you

The ABC's of Beth

Accent: I think it's fairly neutral, but words like orange (which I say with the distinctive New York flat a sound--aaarange) are a dead giveaway to my roots.
Bra size: 36C technically, but a 38B is more comfy.
Chore I hate: folding stuff from the dryer. Weird thing is I don't mind sorting or washing, just hate the folding.
Dad’s name: Jack.
Essential make-up: lipstick and sunscreen. Fave color now: Urban Decay, color Fur. And I don't go out of the house without an application of Kiehls moisturizer with SPF 15 in it.
Favorite perfume: Clinique Happy (for women) and Cristal by Chanel.
Gold or Silver: Gold.
Hometown: Brooklyn, New York (see #1 for the whole remnants of the accent thing).
Interesting fact: there are too many to mention here, but you already knew that about me as you read these pages.
Job title: Project Manager! (Yeah, my new job!!!!)
Kids: 1, I got perfection the first time around, why mess with success?
Living arrangements: home in the lovely San Fernando Valley of California with husband, daughter, six cats, two dogs, and some fish.
Mom’s Birthplace: Brooklyn, NY.
Number of apples eaten in last week: 1.
Overnight hospital stays: 2--appendectomy and childbirth.
Phobia: hanging.
Question you ask yourself a lot: Hmmmmm?
Religious affiliation: raised Jewish but practicing heathen.
Siblings: two sisters.
Time I wake up: this question should read: "time I'm supposed to wake up" and that is 6:00 a.m. weekdays if I want to go to the gym before work, and weekends 10ish.
Unnatural hair color: light brown with blonde highlights.
Vegetable I refuse to eat: brussels sprouts and lima beans
Worst habit: smoking probably.
X-rays: yes, several, nothing interesting though.
Yummy food I make: meatloaf.
Zodiac sign: Scorpio.

OK, now it's 1:30 and I have to get up early to get ready for vacation so I'm going to bed now. Really.

See you guys after April 11th. And behave while I'm gone please.

Posted by beth at April 3, 2005 02:21 AM

"Kiehls moisturizer with SPF 15"

And you were all 'pish posh' over my Aeron chair! I wish I could afford Keihls!

Have a great vacation. Drink lots of water! ;-)

Posted by: David at April 3, 2005 07:13 AM

I love folding clothes - it's cozy. Great ABCs!

Posted by: Little Island at April 3, 2005 01:45 PM