December 09, 2004

Would You Like Some Cheese With That Whine?

I found out on Wednesday afternoon that I was passed over for a promotion that a) I really, really, really, really wanted, and b) I really, really, really, really deserved.

So I've been home ever since. You know, it's really hard to go into the office when you're feeling totally humiliated, undervalued, unemployable, and not appreciated. So yeah, I've been home.

I put yesterday to good use, between pity parties, Chuck and I made a major dent in the holiday shopping. Also, we put up our tree, and I did some minor holiday decorating. I was feeling better until about 11:30 last night and decided I couldn't possibly face the office today. So I called in sick.

I started the morning with a major pity party. Then at about 8:30 this morning, the always super fantastic GraceDavis phoned. She hoped to catch me on my commute, which normally she would have. I told her I was boycotting the office and gave her a longer, but still abbreviate, version of my recent horror.

I mentioned to her that I still need to work on my resume. We both agreed that it's really hard to do when the only thing you want to put in the "Objective" is GET A NEW FUCKING JOB.

But shoutouts abound for GraceDavis because after I got off the phone with her I felt much better and starting looking for a new job.

I spent a big chunk of the morning at They have a resume builder so I started at the beginning and filled in the little blanks. Of course I got stuck when I got to "Objective". I pondered that for a long while, and knowing myself as I do, and knowing that getting stuck there would be enough to derail this, I put "Get a new job" in the little box and moved forward. I can go back and change that when I have the inspiration/creative juices to put something brilliant there. At least I've gotten a start.

My goal is to have a new resume finished by the end of the weekend and start sending it out next week.

I saw some interesting prospects at monster, not to mention the fact that last time I considered moving on employment-wise, nearly every one of the business contacts I mentioned it to asked me for my resume.

So, that's what's new here. Aren't you glad you checked in?

Posted by beth at December 9, 2004 01:30 PM

Beth, how kind yet how boggling that I stirred you into action after my 30 minute one sided ramble that included bragging about my kid and an upcoming trip to Hawaii, nosy questions on the psychological health of certain family members (not Chuck, though the ferry ride to Catalina was insane) and color commentary of the commute traffic and an accident. We did get some work done on your objective statement though.

Posted by: GraceD at December 10, 2004 07:00 AM

Sorry to hear about your passover...I know how you're feeling, having had a horrid review by a supervisor who has absolutely no idea what I do, and when I enlightened him, did not revise the review. Every time I see him, I just want to to something incredibly violent ;-)
Good luck in your job search, tho...maybe this is just the opportunity to find something much better!

Posted by: Janet at December 10, 2004 07:51 AM