December 17, 2004

Because GraceDavis Made Me Do It

I received this e-mail from the lovely GraceDavis:

"BTW, your chit-chatty email is a post to the Diary. Cut, paste, done. Have no shame. Save yourself time. Do ths ASAP because all of us on the World Wide Web have to be assured that the Bethra will rise above the ASSHATS."

And because she told me to, I will cut and paste the e-mail I sent to her, which is my way of updating you all on what's going on with me:

"So, just wanted to share with you that I am making progress in the
search for new employment.

Last night I stepped out of my little comfort zone and attended the
AIA Christmas party. It was a little cocktail soiree for all the
mover and shaker architects in L.A. It took place a few minutes walk
from my office in a totally cool space.

My career guru Mitchell called and invited me to go and I didn't
really want to because I'm not all that comfortable networking and
pitching myself....yeah, I know....totally stupid, because if I'm not
going to pimp me, no one else can.

Anyway, I dutifully schmoozed and passed out cards and put the word
out that I'm looking for project management/construction management
work and several people asked me for my resume. Yeah!!!!!!

One of my dear friends who is an architect at the hottest firm in town
was there. She knows all the players in my ongoing drama and that I
was interviewing for the position. When I told her what happened she
was horrified.

At her request I'm going to send her my resume tonight and she's going
to pass it along. She told me that tons of people are looking for
project managers right now and she's happy to recommend me.

Also ran into a woman I met several years ago. We met with her and
her boss (who I also ran into last night) to possibly do some work for
us. She said she totally remembered me and that she remembered being
impressed with me at the time: I made a real impression on her and
that she wanted to hold mirrors under the noses of everyone else in
the room (my co-workers, mwahahahaha).

When I left the cocktail party a couple of hours later with extremely
sore feet I was on cloud nine and felt completely validated and
recharged in my quest for new work! Yeah!!!!!

Goal: new job by the end of January. OK, it's a little lofty, but
probably doable.

So, was going to tell you all that on the phone because typing it
makes it a little convoluted, but you get the idea.


There you have it.

Posted by beth at December 17, 2004 04:43 PM

That's fantastic, Beth! I completely understand your dislike of pitching and schmoozing because it just feels awfully strange to me, too, but it sounds like you did a bang-up job.

I'm thinking that goal of a new job by the end of January isn't quite as lofty as you may think.

Good luck!

Posted by: Carol at December 18, 2004 04:05 PM

Bravo to you, Beth on two counts: The future looks rosy for getting out of Dodge, and, you've caught on to the Gracedavis methode du slack - if it's a great email, it's bound to be a fabu post.

Further to fabu post, just look at you, all lipsticked and hotness on my latest entry, a salute to turtlenecks:

Posted by: GraceD at December 20, 2004 06:28 PM

If people are looking for project managers, you'll probably get a call right after New Years.

Posted by: Alexa at December 20, 2004 07:32 PM

Oooo Beth, I'm so jealous! The super fantastic Alexa, our window to the world of the NY Escort, left a comment!

More evidence of your fabulousness, Bethra.

Posted by: GraceD at December 20, 2004 08:26 PM