October 24, 2004

I Couldn't Quite Get My Mouth Around This

I had some friends over last night for a little dinner/card party. These are friends I've had for many, many years. Hilarity and a fair amount of drunken debauchery were involved. Suffice it to say that though I wasn't hung over this morning, I did wake feeling like I'd been rode hard and put up wet. Perhaps the tequila taste testing had something to do with that, but we can't be too sure.

Like I said, these are long time friends, and I love them dearly.

I made my famous meatloaf for dinner, because I mean really, who doesn't love meatloaf? My friend Les volunteered to provide dessert. My other friend Kelli brought a backup dessert because she suspected that Les' dessert involved coconut and she knows I can't stand coconut.

Well....Les' dessert did not involve coconut. No. Coconut would have been a vast improvement over what Les brought. You see, apparently Les is having a Halloween party at his office on Friday and decided we were all to be victims of the trial run of his dessert, kitty litter cake.

And for those of you too lazy (or maybe smart) to go check out that link, here's a picture of what it looks like. And yes, he served his in a litter pan too:


Those brown "deposits" are in fact melted tootsie rolls. The appearance was so lifelike it was mind-boggling.

When he unveiled his creation there was much shuddering. As owners of many many kitties I have a thorough knowledge of what a cat box looks like, and I'm here to tell you, he hit the nail on the head. And yes, I knew it was food. I knew what the ingredients were. But I also knew there was no way on this earth that was going anywhere near my mouth.

Thank goodness for that backup dessert.

Posted by beth at October 24, 2004 05:34 PM

ROTFLMAO! I'm curious just what ingredients he did use, besides the tootsie rolls. I'd love to serve this up for my Father in law's birthday!

Posted by: Square1 at October 25, 2004 06:42 AM

I've never met Les, but I like him already.

Posted by: Jim at October 25, 2004 08:51 AM

If you click on the kitty litter cake link in the entry it'll take you directly to the receipe. Enjoy.

Posted by: beth at October 25, 2004 09:37 AM

That seems to be a popular novelty dessert these days, as I've seen it mentioned in many an article, but it is pretty damned disgusting looking.

Good decision, Beth.

Posted by: Carol at October 25, 2004 10:48 AM

The best bitches on the web

Posted by: weak sister bitch at November 12, 2004 12:54 PM
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