July 23, 2004

Acme Corp.

Yesterday was my company's annual summer event. It was unusual in several respects: usually it takes place on a weekend, but we got to play hooky yesterday--Thursday; usually families are "encouraged" to attend, this year it was staff only; usually it takes place on the hottest day of the year--whether the picnic is scheduled for May or any month until October, yet yesterday it was a comfortable mid-80's; and normally the summer event sucks, but this one was a blast.

We went to a Dodger game. It was the Dodgers vs. the Colorado Rockies. And despite the fact that I am no baseball fan it was a hoot. We had great seats--they were in the shade all day, behind home plate with a perfect view of everything that was going on. My two best work girlfriends who know a lot about baseball explained things to me and I caught on quickly.

The game moved along at a good pace and the home team won so I think that always makes things more interesting. And unlike most Dodger games where the fans leave shortly after the 7th inning stretch (ooooh, baseball lingo), the game was interesting enough to keep everyone in their seats until the end, at about 3:15.

But the point of this entry starts before the game.

On the way into Dodger Stadium (like every other public gathering place in the world any more) you are subjected to a bag search. But here's the wacky thing about the bag search at Dodger Stadium--they only inspect your bag if it is more than 14" across. My bag is apparently only 12" across so I was spared some buffoon pawing through my lipsticks and tampons.

But that got me thinking.

Apparently bombs do not fit in purses (or any other kind of bag) smaller than 14".

What with the TNT, wires, duct tape, and alarm clock you have to hook up to it, not to mention the plunger thingie that you get when you order your bomb from Acme Corp. I guess what you need is a bomb tote, and those are always more than 14" across.


Posted by beth at July 23, 2004 08:15 PM
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