April 26, 2004

Three's The Charm

So Miss Sparkle spent most of this past weekend sleeping, eating, and sleeping some more. Pretty much sounds like my last weekend of pregnancy.

Right before I went to bed Sunday night I couldn't find her, but then, we all know she goes out because this is how she got in this condition in the first place. I didn't see her before I went to work Monday morning either. But again...not unusual....see her delicate condition for proof of that.

When Zoe and I came home Monday night and I saw Sparkle saunter out of my closet, as trim as she ever was, I knew the jig was up. The only problem was, after a brief inspection of the immediately viewable household, no kittens were to be seen.

So I called Chuck. In Missoula, Montana. Because it seemed like a thing to do. (OK, reality check here--the man can't find his wallet if it's underneath a receipt and I was apparently expecting him to intuit, from half way across the country, where the freakin kittens were. In my defense, I will say my hair is more blonde than usual from two weeks in the Caribbean.)

To make a long story short, after two frantic hours of searching and fretting, the kittens were located. In a pile. Under a pair of silk pants that had fallen off the hanger. On the bottom of my closet.

There are three of them: one white, one black, and one gray.

And to answer the question on everyone's lips: yes, they are very very cute.

After we found the kittens Zoe and I put them in the designated birthing box and put the box in the bottom of Zoe's closet. We showed Sparkle where the box was and she climbed in with the babies. The next morning Zoe asked me (frantically) if I had moved the babies. I had not. Sparkle had. Back to the bottom of my closet.

So this is where they will stay.

I put a litter box, food and water in my bathroom. During the day I close my bedroom door and Sparkle and babies have full use of the master suite. With this arrangment I don't have to worry that Sparkle has moved the babies to a new place, nor do I have to worry that the dogs have found the babies and something horrible has happened.

It's too dark in the bottom of my closet to get a pic with my phone, and Chuck has the digital camera in Montana. Photos will be posted as soon as possible.

Momma and babies are doing great.

Yay! Kittens.

And as an aside to those of you (in either my comments and private e-mail) urging me to get my cat fixed: I am an enormously responsible pet owner. Every single one of my pets are rescues. I responsibly spay/newter. Sparkle will be fixed with it is medically safe and appropriate to do so.

I made a choice to let this kitten have kittens. I decided it would be a once in a lifetime experience for my eight year old daughter. I have more homes for these babies than I have babies.

I made a choice. I stand by it.

Posted by beth at April 26, 2004 08:50 PM


Some people forget that 'pro-choice' means just that. 'I am kitty hear me purrrrrrr' :-)

Anyway, I also applaud you and Chuck for giving this experience to your daughter. It is a gift she will take with her throughout her life (I have fond memories of litters of puppies and kittens born during my distant childhood).

However, now might be a good time to 'have that talk' with Sparkle down at the V...E...T.

In the mean time...enjoy the miracle.

Posted by: David at April 28, 2004 11:49 PM

As soon as the kittens are weaned it's off for the snip snip for her. While I could stand to go through this again, it would be divorce court for sure.

Posted by: beth at April 29, 2004 12:01 AM

I'm having second thoughts about "fixing" Sparkle. Kittens are good eatin'!

Posted by: Churk at April 29, 2004 09:19 AM

I prefer not to say fix, as she is not broken, thank you very much. Besides, summer BBQ season is upon us. Kitten on a stick. Yum.

Posted by: beth at April 29, 2004 10:25 AM

She gave birth on silk pants? Oh yeah, she's a Princess! Congratulations!

Posted by: Nance at April 29, 2004 10:48 AM

I am sure that your fingers were typing


and that other came out.

And DANG I am tired of the sanctimonious. "I am more perfect than you, and from my high position, I am going to lecture you and tell you how you fall short of my perfection."

Posted by: liz at May 14, 2004 07:06 PM
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